???????深圳市北極點設計顧問機構(簡稱BJD)是一家享譽精英圈的頂級設計機構,成立于2000年,先后在深圳和香港注 冊現總部位于深圳市南山區科技園,業務范圍含括了亞太和中國大陸區。北極點設計目前已成長為一家具有豐富全程 設計與控制經驗的綜合性設計服務商,能為客戶提供包括規劃、建筑、室內設計及結構、設備咨詢的一站式設計服務。 在項目運作過程中,我們始終保持對市場的敏銳洞察力和開闊的國際視野,在尊重城市、公眾利益及市場的前提下, 充分為客戶發掘價值。多年以來,我們以方案設計的創造性思維,對建造品質的高度把控以及有特色的全程服務,獲 得客戶、業界及公眾的廣泛肯定。我們愿望是用設計傳達善意,為人類環境和生活帶來改善。在工作過程中,始終將 建筑本身的品質和價值作為設計的第一要義,致力于將住宅、公建、文體、綜合體、城規、細部建筑等各項目積極參 與到廣泛的城市建設的潮流中,全力挖掘與追尋建筑的內涵文化和社會價值。
?Shenzhen BJD design consultancy (BJD for short) was founded in 2000 and registered in Shenzhen and Hong Kong, headquarter in Shenzhen Nanshan district Hi-Technical Park.It's a top design institution in the elite circle,business scope covers asia-pacific and mainland China. BJD has grown into a comprehensive design service provider with rich experience in overall design and control,we offer customers with one-stop design services including planning, architecture interior design, structure and equipment consultation During project operation,we always keep a keen insight into the market and a broad international vision.In respecting the public interest of the city to fully explore the value for customers.Over the years,we have a chieved wide recognition from customers and public through our creative thinking of scheme design, high control of construction quality and distinctive design service. We wish to use design to express goodwill and improve human environment and life. In the process of work, we always put the quality and value of the building itself as first priority of our design,and the project is committed to actively participating in the broad trend of urban construction, suchas housing, public construction, cultural style, complex, urban planning,and detailed architecture,so as to fully explore and pursue the connotation,culture and socialvalue of the building.
BJD徐宗華參加CHAT北京 中國酒店及旅游業論壇
BJD員工參加國際高端酒店管理專家Albert Yu講座
BJD徐宗華參加CHAT上海 “中國酒店及旅游業論壇”
BJD設計與CHAT 2014北京再聚首
BJD新動向 | BJD與CHEC行業精英一同迎挑戰,創未來!
BJD新動向 | 聯合國藝術設計峰會,讓世界了解華人設計力量!